
Es werden Posts vom 2018 angezeigt.

Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer…

An apple a day keeps the doctor away…

Granny-Spiration Link-Up Party #12

Myriads of Stars - Sternenhimmel

Time flies – die Zeit rennt

Granny-Spiration Link-Up Party #11

Thank you for the Music (with Chart / mit Vorlage)

All Hallows’ Eve - Halloween

Garden Owl Pattern - Anleitung Garteneule / Ups and Downs

Crochet Owl Cushion for Tim – Gehäkeltes Eulenkissen für Tim

Granny-Spiration Link-Up Party #10

Rainbow Snails - Regenbogenschnecken

Sheep Key Pendant / Schlüsselanhänger Schaf

Back Home – Wieder zu Hause

Stornoway Waistcoat - Stornoway Weste

Granny-Spiration Link-Up Party #9

Bohemian Rhapsody* Placemats

Granny-Spiration Link-Up Party #8

Bohemian Rhapsody* Bag

Bohemian Rhapsody...*

Granny-Spiration Link-Up Party #7

One oval doily, please! – Ein ovales Tischdeckchen, bitte!

A Summer Dress – Ein Sommerkleid

"Sheherazade Blue" or/oder " The Keep It Simple Sweater"

Granny-Spiration Link-Up Party #6

The Bottles – Die Bottles*

Beads Bag (with how-to) – Perlentasche (mit Anleitung)

Pause for Thought* – Eine Denkpause

Granny-Spiration Link-Up Party #5