Earth, Sea and Flower - Erde, Meer und Blume

Dear Friends,

early July I posted the smaller mandala-on-painting (Mandala-Art) and told you about the larger ones I could not yet show you, as they were still lacking a border... Well, I've had those borders in the studio for a while now, never managed to glue them onto the canvases so far though. But today, as I still had no clue what to do with the sunflowers I crocheted yesterday afternoon, I unearthed my hot glue gun and got started.

Here is the larger mandala-painting (80 x 60cm).
It has caused quite some discussion in our family, as nearly everyone has a different opinion on which way round it should be hung up on the wall.

My interpretation (and as intended):
The mandala ascends from the soft embrace of the earth and rises into the turbulent sky. It kind of symbolises a caring mother who lets her child go, however reluctantly, but she remains alert, thus she is ready to catch her child, should it stumble or fall. (Does this make any sense at all?)

My husband and my youngest prefer it this way round. Now it looks as if the mandala emerges from the depths of the sea. Radiating with colours and life it floods the sky with its energy, colourfulness and brightness.

The smaller canvas (70 x 50cm) leaves no room for interpretation (fortunately): It's a flower (and I meant it to be one)! And therefore it can only be hung up this way round!

As how the discussions might end: I'll keep in touch!

P.S.: I'm not happy with the pictures, but the weather has been horrible all afternoon and by the time it stopped raining, the sun was already setting...

Liebe Freunde,

Anfang Juli veröffentlichte ich einen Post über die kleinen Mandala-auf-Leinwand (Mandala-Art) und erwähnte bei der Gelegenheit, dass ich auch noch zwei größere Leinwände gemalt hatte, denen aber noch der Häkelrahmen fehlte... Nun, beide Borten lagen nun bereits ein Weile im Atelier, aber ich war noch nicht dazu gekommen, sie zu befestigen. Heute jedoch, als mir partout nicht einfallen wollte, was ich mit den Gestern gehäkelten Sonnenblumen anfangen sollte, habe ich die Heißklebepistole gezückt und bin kurzentschlossen zur Tat geschritten.

Hier die größere Leinwand (80 x 60cm), welche in unserem Haus schon oft für Diskussionsstoff gesorgt hat.

Meine Auslegung des Bildes (und so war es auch gedacht) ist folgende: Das Mandala entschlüpft der liebevollen Umarmung der Erde und steigt in den aufgewühlten Himmel auf. Die Erde ist also irgendwie die fürsorgliche Mutter, welches ihr Kind widerwillig gehen lässt, jedoch immer bereit ist es aufzufangen, sollte es stolpern oder stürzen. (Äh... sofern das irgendwie Sinn macht...?)

Mein Mann und mein Jüngster möchten das Bild anders herum aufhängen. Nun sieht es aus, als ob das Mandala aus den tiefen Fluten des Meeres auftaucht und in den Himmel aufsteigt, wo es vor Energie und Lebensfreude strahlend, alles bunt färbt.

Zum Glück lässt das kleinere Bild (70 x 50cm) kein Interpretationsspielraum: Es ist eine Blume (und sollte auch von vornherein eine sein)! Daher kann es nur so herum an die Wand!

Wie die Diskussion letztendlich ausgeht: Ich halte euch auf den Laufenden!

P.S.: Ich bin nicht sonderlich glücklich mit den Bildern, aber bis es endlich aufhörte zu regnen war das Sonnenlicht nicht mehr berauschend...


  1. That's really artistic and unique... Hadn't seen this before, crochet on a canvas in this way. Very good idea and a wonderful result! I understand what husband and youngest were trying to say, and it is nice that way, but I always hang it like the way I made or painted it. It's already hard for me not to look at te small mistakes in my crochet( or paintings), it would be even worse to see it hanging upside down every day... :-)
    Nevertheless, it's just beautiful what you made.

    1. Thank you very much for this positive acknowlegdment! I'll quote you, whenever my family starts moaning again about the way I hung the canvas up on the wall! Have a nice day, Marjan

  2. Wow - I have never seen anything like your pictures - they are utterly gorgeous. I like the way you hang them for me they just look right that way. I love your interpretation of them. You are so very talented :)

    1. Dear Lorna, I'm absolutely awestruck by your comment. Thank you very much!

  3. Marjan, this is so unique combining a painting with crochet. I love the way they look and the way you have interpeted them.

    1. Dear Mary, thank you very much for your positive appraisal of my pictures. This means a lot to me. Have a nice weekend, Marjan

  4. I just found your blog on the Internet today and I am so very happy!! All of your crocheting is not only very beautiful but also touches my soul !!! Every piece of work has a calming affect. ( I am talking about ALL your crocheting not just this painting ). Thankyou for your wonderful blog! Now I hear my crochet hooks calling my name to go make one of your works. I think I will start with the coasters.
    I can't seem to figure out how to post with my name, I am Anita from USA.

    1. Caution: the coasters are somewhat addictive... (I know from experience!) Welcome and happy crocheting, Marjan

  5. Antworten
    1. I ceased arguing about it... thus sometimes we have it my way up and sometimes the other way round (especially when my son wants to tease me)...

  6. What a great combination of two beautiful crafts to create a stunning product. So creative and so beautiful!

    1. Dear Katie, thank you very much for this positive appraisal! I like the pictures very much. They make me feel happy when I look at them.


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