Yarnbombing (Part II / Teil 2)

Dear friends,

I woke up this morning facing foggy, dull and dreary weather, rain, a packed grey sky and 11°C. If today were the end of September, early October even, I'd sigh and say: „Well then, autumn has come...“ BUT!!! It is the 12th of August! We're supposed to be in the middle of summer still! And we are living in Germany – the North Pole isn't anywhere near! ARGH!!!!

Lucky me I made some pictures of the garden while the weather was still nicer...

The rain pipe is now completely covered and the second one too

Couldn't stop me from making a "few" more flowers

Moneypenny likes the mandala/dreamcatcher too

The ladybirds inhabit the lamppost

And here are the latest additions

Would be great if the weather was fine enough to actually enjoy the garden... I'll keep in touch!

Liebe Freunde,

heute Morgen bin aufgewacht bei Nebel, tristes Wetter, grauem Himmel, Regen und 11°C. Wenn heute bereits Ende September wäre, gar Anfang Oktober, würde ich seufzen und meinen: „Nun ja, der Herbst ist da...!“ ABER!!! Es ist erst der 12. August. Wir sind mitten in Sommer! Und wir leben wohlgemerkt in Deutschland, nicht in der Nähe des Nordpols!! ARGH!!!!

Zum Glück habe ich ein paar Bilder von Garten gemacht, als das Wetter noch etwas besser war...

Die Regenrinne ist jetzt (nahezu) komplett behäkelt (und die zweite auch)

Ein "paar" Blümchen musste ich zwischendurch auch noch häkeln...

Moneypenny fand das Mandala (den angehenden Traumfänger) auch ganz nett

Die Marienkäfer haben die Gartenlaterne mit Beschlag gelegt

Und das sprang mir zuletzt von der Nadel

Fehlt eigentlich nur noch das passende Wetter, um den Garten auch zu genießen... Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden!


  1. Wonderful shots of all your colourful yarnbombing! You have been busy and having great fun too!! I have so enjoyed our cooler period after yet another heat-wave, but things are heating up again in Europe, so never fear! August has not finished heating us all up!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Sandra.
      I did enjoy myself thouroughly yarnbombing. We didn't have any heat-wave at all. We've been getting closer to autumn every day. with the odd one-day-exeption... Hope the weather will get better though.
      Have a great Sunday,

  2. Oh! I love the flower ball :-)
    My favourite colours!
    And you've done a great job with the green inbetween!
    I was thinking exactly the same, Marjan, where is the summer????
    I almost feel like putting the heating on!
    But your garden is soooooooo nice! And it's not too much, the yarnbombing.
    It's perfect, cheerful and beautiful.
    Enjoy your weekend, hope the sun will come out...

    1. Frankly said: Yesterday was so chilly my husband actually lit the stove! Would be great if the weather could be nice enough to at least enjoy some hours on the back porch. No need for 30°C though, but a little sunshine and 22-25°C and I would be perfectly happy!
      Have a lovely Sunday,

  3. Das schaut alles soo hübsch aus! =)))
    Aber was passiert mit den schönen gehäkelten Sachen, wenn es regnet? Werden sie nicht durch Regen und Sonne in ein paar Jahren ganz schmuddelig aussehen?

    LG Sandra

    1. Danke, liebe Sandra.
      Die Sachen bleiben einfach draußen und wenn sie mit der Zeit ausbleichen und/oder schmuddelig werden...? Nun, dann ist es doch höchste Zeit für etwas neues, oder nicht?
      Viele Grüße,

  4. Oh your garden is so cute! Love it all!! Yes I was feeling that summer has come to an end but then today has been glorious here on the north coast of Scotland... but it won't last. However, I made the most of it by visiting someone else's gorgeous garden full of cute things... so glad it stayed dry. I hope you get a few more days of good weather before winter. Never know an Indian summer may be just around the corner. Have a good week, xx

    1. Thank you very much, dear Elly.
      We had one (1) day of sunshine last week and according to the weather-forecast there will be another one (1) this week too. That doesn't feel like summer at all! Seems we have to keep our fingers crossed and hope for an Indian Summer...
      All my love to Scotland! Hugs,

  5. Tu jardín luce precioso,tan alegre y divertido,me encanta!!!!
    Aquí tampoco es verano,con el tiempo que hace,apetece hacer calcetines o mantas jaaaaa!!!

    1. Tienes toda la razón, Pilar: debemos estar haciendo tiene, bufandas, suéteres de lana gruesa. Esperemos para un verano indio!
      Tienen un precioso domingo a pesar del tiempo,

  6. An others perfect post !!! With colors and imagination !!!
    Have a shinny week !

  7. The yarn bombing cannot be any more cuter! The flower ball is really expressive and one might really mistake it for a real one! The splashes of color make the place lively and joyous! You've done a fantastic job with it!

    1. Thank you so much, dear Maya.
      I've still got e few ideas left but I might give the garden some peace for a while now...
      Have a great week,

  8. That's such a lovely idea, it really brightens up your garden. It must make you smile every time you look out the window!

    1. Thank you, Claire.
      It sure does make me smile whenever I look at it, either passing by on my way to an fro work or looking out of the window...
      Have agreat day,

  9. Marjan when Fall sees your garden full of so many pretty summer flowers it will get scared and go into hiding. Love that dream catcher too.

    1. That would be perfect! We had two rather pretty days (though it still was raining Monday-evening as well as Tuesday-morning) and with some luck we'll be able to enjoy our garden today too. I really have no need for fall yet at all!
      Have a great day,

  10. Es ist so schön bei Dir, liebe Marjan !!! Am liebsten würde ich gleich vorbeikommen ! Herrlich was Du alles gehäkelt hast , Dein Garten ist wunderschön dekoriert. Die runde Blumenkugel ist mein Favorit, die verschieden rosa farbigen Blümchen sind einfach wunderschön. Wie hast Du denn die Rundung so perfekt hinbekommen ? Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende, sei lieb gegrüßt von Carmen

    1. Danke, liebe Carmen.
      Das mit der Blumenkugel ist ja genaugenommen ganz einfach, denn ich habe lediglich eine Styroporkugel beklebt...
      Schönes Wochenende,

  11. That round ball of flowers is just amazing. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week. Pinned!

  12. Wow, wow, wow Marjan. If someone did something like this in South Africa they would arrange a tour of your garden so people could see it up close and for real. It's so beautiful and whimsical. I absolutely love it!!! Hope your weather improves so you can enjoy your garden

    1. A tour!? That would be fun!
      Over here the neighbours pretermit the garden (and the new gardenfence my hubby is sooo proud of). Seen some hilarious scenes already: people staring from the corner of their eyes (not turning their heads at all) nearly stumbling over their feet, but not willing to admit they're looking... Sigh...
      At least the sun's out this morning, so we might be able to enjoy our garden!
      Have a great Sunday,

  13. I would love your patterns for the lantern, and the flower ball. Beautiful!!

    1. Thank you! Sorry, but I haven't got to writing (let alone posting) the pattern of the lantern.Just give me a little more time to do so...
      Have a great Sunday,

  14. It's funny how cats tend to want to be a part of the yarn projects worked - I have to watch my works in progress around my Shiloh. I love all that you have added to your garden. The ladybugs up the lamp post is such a neat idea, and the sweet flower ball! Are the flowers added to a styrofoam ball?

    1. Yes, indeed, dear Alexandra, I've glued the flowers onto a styrofoam ball. Though it was the easiest way to do so...


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