Flu - Grippe

Dear friends,

these last few days I've been nurturing a flu. I've been off sick since Thursday and staid in bed as I wasn't up to anything useful, being all feverish and faint.

Thus I neither went to sewing classes nor did I do any crochet.
Today though I took our quilt down into the living room and conquered a tiny space on the sofa, thoroughly annoying the cats.

So that's me right now: clad in pyjamas, sipping herbal tea, cats hovering nearby, trying to concentrate on crochet. It's no good though. To the delight of the cats I keep dosing off and they take advantage of it to reconquer their space on the sofa (on top of me – but they did not want to be caught on camera though).

Enjoying the winter-wonderland in front of the bay window (yep - it's snowing again) I'm happy to be inside, snug in my pyjamas and tug under my quilt, regardless the flu.

I'll keep in touch!

Liebe Freunde,

mich hat ein fiebriger, grippaler Infekt heimgesucht. Donnerstag habe ich es schon nicht mehr zur Arbeit geschafft. Dafür habe ich zweieinhalb Tage das Bett gehütet, zu mehr war ich einfach nicht in der Lage.

Daher habe ich den gestrigen Nähkurs verpasst und auch keine Häkelnadel angefasst.
Heute aber habe ich unseren Quilt ins Wohnzimmer geschleppt und mir ein Plätzchen auf dem Sofa erobert, sehr zur Missbilligung der Katzen.

Und nun sitze ich, von Katzen umringt, heißen Kräutertee schlürfend, im Schlafanzug auf dem Sofa und versuche mich auf meine Häkelarbeit zu konzentrieren. Es klappt nicht wirklich, denn ich döse immer wieder ein, was die Katzen dazu ausnutzen, sich heranzuschleichen und ihren Platz zurückzuerobern – ohne Rücksicht auf mich oder mein Häkelzeug (bildlich festgehalten wollten sie dabei dann doch nicht werden).

Und wenn ich die Winterlandschaft vorm Erkerfenster betrachte (ja – es schneit schon wieder!), bin ich ganz froh, den Tag im Schlafanzug warm unter der Quiltdecke verbringen zu können.

Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden!


  1. Hope you are feeling better. I sure hate being sick but I love the days when I can be in pajamas all day and not be sick.

    1. Hi Paula,
      it's my first day out of pyjamas as I'm feeling better indeed.
      Have a nice Sunday,

  2. Get well soon! Flu is terrible :-(
    No need for pictures of your cats, I can imagine it perfectly by just reading your words :-)
    Take care,

    1. Thank you, dear Sigrid. I'm feeling a bit better today, even started to crochet again!
      Have a nice Sunday,

  3. Bon rétablissement !!!
    Et bon dimanche !

  4. Marjan take care of your self, Keep warm and get well soon. The flu is hitting alot of people. Thanks for your wonderful work you share with us :)
    Be safe.

    1. Hello Sofia,
      thank you. I'm finally out of my pyjamas and feeling better (though still wobbly on my feet). And I'm happy you enjoy my crazy projects.
      Have a nice Sunday,

  5. Marjan take care and get well soon.

  6. I wish you a speedy recovery, Marjan! Thank you for the kind comment left on our blog ^_^
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

    1. My pleasure, Dear Ana!
      I'm feeling much better already (even went to work - though it is somwhat exhausting).
      Have a nice week,

  7. Hello Marjan, so sorry to hear your not feeling well. I do hope you get better soon. It's not fun being sick. Thank you so much for your kind, encouraging words you left on my blog. You are so nice. Get well soon. Hugs, Pat

    1. Hello Pat,
      I'm much better, thank you (though I still have a persistent headache). Please, do take care and do not let your open-mindedness be spoiled!
      Have a nice and successful week,


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