No-Name Popcorn Granny (tutorial) / Namenloses Popcorn Granny (Anleitung)

Dear friends,

I've just finished cleaning house 😇 (the washing machine and tumble dryer are still busy) and I'm gathering my thoughts on the today's crochet.

Having a look around made me flinch at the amount of current WIP's. As I feel just a little overwhelmed - I'll make a cup of tea...

  • cardigans: 1 in progress, 2 in mind
  • tablecloths/placemats: 1 in progress, 4 finished (awaiting blocking), 2 on to-do-list
  • cushions: 1 in progress (awaiting fabric for back)
  • handbags: 3 in progress (awaiting fabric for lining)
  • blankets: 2 in progress, 1 awaiting start
  • shawls: 1 in progress, 2 on to-do-list, 1 in mind

This is making me giddy! How did that come about?

I had better not even mentioned my to-do-list! 😱 ARGH!... “Breathe, girl, just breathe!” and... write a tutorial instead.

Easy Granny Square with Popcorn Stitches
(must still think of suitable name)

  • scissors, yarn needle
  • crochet hook (I used a 3mm one)
  • yarn (Drops You 7)

Abreviations (UK-terms):
  • ch = chain stitch
  • dc = double crochet
  • dtr = double treble
  • htr = halftreble
  • loop = loop made of ch
  • mc = magic circle
  • PC = popcorn stitch (made out of 5 tr)
  • tr = treble
  • tr2tog = 2 tr together

Start with mc
R1: 8x (tr2tog + ch 1)

R2: 8x [(1 PC + ch 3) in loop]

R3: 8x [ 2x (1 PC + ch 2) in loop]

R4: (3 tr + ch 1) in each loop

  • start at corner
  • corner = 3 dtr + ch 2 + 3 dtr
  • 4x (corner in loop + 3 tr in next loop + 3 htr in next loop + 3 tr in next loop)

Preparing the grannies for joining I made a 6th round on each one and a 7th round on the first:
  • corner = 4 dc in loop
  • 1 dc in each stitch

R.7: maybe I'll explain when this methode of joining works out the way I think it should/might...

Let's risk a look... Non of the WIP's vanished into thin air... 😞 Sigh... I'll make another cup of tea...

I'll keep in touch!
3 D Popcorn Granny

Liebe Freunde,

der Hausputz ist fertig geworden 😇 (nun ja, Waschmaschine und Wäschetrockner laufen noch) und ich überlege welche Häkelarbeit ich heute in Angriff nehme.

Nachdem ich den Blick einmal habe schweifen lassen, mache ich mir erst mal einen Tee, denn bei der Menge an UFO's ist mir dann doch ein wenig unwohl geworden...

  • Westen: 1 in der Mache (also UFO), 2 schon im Kopf
  • Tischdecken: 1 in der Mache, 4 fertig (müssen noch gespannt werden), 2 auf To-do-Liste
  • Kissen: 1 in der Mache (Stoff für Rückseite fehlt noch)
  • Handtasche: 3 in der Mache (Stoff für Rückseite fehlt noch - u.a.)
  • Decken: 2 in der Mache, 1 auf Warteliste
  • Schals/Tücher: 1 in der Mache, 2 auf To-do-Liste, 1 schon in Kopf

Davon wird mir ja ganz schwindelig! Wie konnte es nur dazu kommen?

HILFE!! Vielleicht hätte ich meine To-do-Liste besser nicht erwähnt. 😱 Einmal tief durchatmen und... eine Anleitung schreiben!

Einfaches Granny Square mit Popcorn Stich
(muss mir noch einen passenden Namen einfallen lassen)

  • Schere, Stopfnadel
  • Häkelnadel (ich habe mit eine 3er Nadel gearbeitet )
  • Garn (Drops You 7)

  • dStb = Doppelstäbchen
  • fM = feste Masche
  • FR = Fadenring
  • hStb = halbes Stb
  • Lm = Luftmasche
  • LmB = Luftmaschenbogen
  • PC = Popcorn Stich (aus 5 Stb)
  • Stb = Stäbchen
  • zabStb = zusammen abgemaschte Stäbchen

Mit FR anfangen
R1: 8x (2 zabStb + 2 Lm)

R2: 8x [(1 PC + 3 Lm) in LmB]

R3: 8x [2x (1 PC + 2 Lm) in LmB]

R4: (3 Stb + 1 Lm) in jeden LmB

  • an einer Ecke anfangen
  • Ecken = 3 dStb + 2 Lm + 3 dStb
  • 4x (Ecke in LmB + 3 Stb im nä LmB + 3 hStb im nä LmB + 3 Stb im nä LmB)

Um die Grannys aufs Zusammenhäkeln vorzubereiten habe ich noch Runden 6 (bei allen) und 7 (nur bei einem Granny) hinzugefügt:
  • Ecken = 4 fM
  • 1 fM in jede Masche

R7: Erkläre ich erst, wenn die Methode, die ich mir ausgedacht habe, auch aufgeht...

Einmal schauen... Keines der UFOs hat sich in Luft aufgelöst... 😞 Seufz... Ich mache mir noch 'ne Tasse Tee...

Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden!



  1. I love the pretty lavender colour you're used to make this popcorn stitch square. The result is lovely! Popcorn stitch is always so attractive and fun to do!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Sandra.
      As these grannies belong to one of the aboven mentioned blankets, I'll not stich to lavender only. But it was the colour I liked most...
      Have a great week,

  2. Sehr schönes Granny!!
    Vielleicht ist es hilfreich die UFOs außer Sichtweite zu bringen ;)

    1. Tja, liebe Jutta, vielleicht wäre das eine Lösung. Nur liefen diese UFOs dann Gefahr zu verstauben, so ganz im Sinne von "aus dem Auge..."
      Liebe Grüße,

  3. Sehr hübsches Granny!
    LG Sandra

  4. Liebe Marjan,
    was bist du doch für eine Häkelfee........dein neues Granny ist einfach ein Traum....wunder-wunder-wunderschön.
    Herzensgrüassli und Drückerli

    1. Vielen, lieben Danke, liebste Yvonne!
      Fühle dich gedrückt,

  5. Que bonito resultado!!! gracias por el tutorial!!

  6. Such a seducing color and texture of your granny square! Thank you for sharing the tutorial! I am going to pin this onto my Grannies board!
    As for the to-do list - Gosh! You have too many things going on- very lucrative if I may say so! Admire your determination!

    1. Thank you, dear Maya.
      I'm very pleased about the granny, even if I didn't really intended making another one - still enough traditional grannies on my mind... But it's nice to do something else in between.
      My to-do-list is a bit overwhelming indeed but I'll get these things done - somehow...
      Have a great day,

  7. What a gorgeous crochet square! Very delicate and exquisite. The kind of crochet I love the most. Beautiful in lavender color, but I can also imagine it in coral or lemon. Really wonderful. Thank you very much for sharing the tutorial and pattern. I will certainly do it. And how many projects are in hand, my dear! I thought it only happens to me. I'm absolutely sure that everyone will be wonderful once finishet, as everything that comes out of your hands and your creative mind. Have a wonderful day! xxx

    1. Thank you very much, dear Anabelia.
      I've the blanket planned aith got a darker lilac, a very light pink, a pale blue and a magenta-ish shade. Looks good so far, I'll have to wait and see if it still does after joining...
      As to my to-do-list: sometimes I wished I could crochet a little faster, but that's an idle wish, isn't it...
      Have a lovely day,

  8. Marjan, this is just the prettiest square! It makes me think of wisteria before the flowers open, and that lace edge is perfect for a tea-in-the-garden sort of theme.
    I could write a list for all my WIP's, but it would end up lost under a pile of yarn somewhere. ;) Don't worry, you'll get it done. Then you'll start more projects. I've accepted that it's just part of being a crocheter.

    1. Dear Jenns, thank you for your support.
      I know I'll never finish that to-do-list cause there'll always appear more and more to-do-things on it before the "old" ones are done... That's why that list exists only in my head. I just felt so overwhelmed by the amount of WIPs (still do actually - and it's hard to concentrate on getting these things done first).
      Still haven't found a name for the granny, maybe I will when the blanket is done.
      Have a great day,

  9. This is beautiful. I've been looking for a pattern I loved to use on a table under a plant and I think it's perfect!

  10. haha, so funny to read about the panic after seeing all your wip's :-)
    But your new granny square is marvellous!! Really!
    Take care, Sigrid

    1. Thank you, dear Sigrid,
      panic - that's it, really: too many projects and not enough time and still more ideas popping up out of nowhere... ARGH!!
      Have a lovely weekend,

  11. Marjan I know what you mean about WIPs. I have lots of them but for the most part they are all in my head. I'll be enjoying that cup of tea with you and gazing at the lovely popcorn crochet. What a beautiful color!

    1. Indeed it is a lovbely colour, dear Mary.
      I do love these lavender/lilac shades... But I'll not be maling the blanket out of this one alone, there'll be pale blue, pales pink, pink and purple too. Don't know what it's going to look like - let's wait and see.
      Have a great weekend,

  12. Such a pretty pattern, thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned!

  13. Thank you so much for this lovely pattern, I'm pinning it right now!
    Your to do list sounds similar to mine, so many projects, so little time! I'm so pleased you joined us at #HandmadeMonday, welcome!

    1. Thank you very much, dear Julia!
      We do have a spleen for to-do-lists, haven't we?
      Have a great Sunday,

  14. Wow Marjan, you've got a lot going on at the moment and you still managed to write a tutorial too. The popcorn stitch is really pretty, I love the 3 D, bubbly look it gives to the squares. Really stunning

    1. Thank you very much, dear Michelle.
      Cause of the bubbles the square might not be suited for tischcloths though...
      Have a great Sunday,

  15. Liebe Marjan,
    bei Dir gehts ja ähnlich zu wie bei mir. Ich habe auch reichlich Ufo`s, Näh- und Häkelufo`s. Ein Häkelufo habe ich gerade wieder zur Hand genommen und bringe es in den nächsten Tagen zu Ende.
    Aber so ist das wohl, man möchte so viel und hat viele Ideen, da bleien Ufo`s nicht aus... macht aber nix :).
    Dein Granny ist super hübsch, gefällt mir ganz wunderbar und wenn ich mir die Anleitung so ansehe, ist es gar nicht schwer zu häkeln. Merke ich mir unbedingt für später.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntag - bei uns scheint heute die Sonne.
    Liebe Grüße von der Insel Rügen, Mandy

    1. Danke, liebe Mandy.
      Das Granny ist tatsächlich supereinfach (und dementsprechend schnell gehäkelt). Ich glaube, bei uns Handarbeiterinnen bleiben endlose To-do-Listen und UFOs tatsächlich nicht aus. Ist aber dennoch ganz schön ernüchternd, wenn "Frau" dann doch mal einen Blick wagt...
      Ich wünsche dir ebenfalls einen schönen Sonntag,
      P.S.: In der Eifel regnet es... Seufz...

  16. That's so pretty and I love how clear your tutorial is! I'll definitely be trying it :)

  17. Could you please tell me how you made round 7?

    1. Hmpf... Never came round writing a tutorial, didn't I?
      Truth be told: Corners are dc + ch 5 + dc (skip 2 stitches) and the rest is dc + ch 3.
      Hope this helps at least a little...
      Have a great Sunday,

  18. This is beautiful! Are UK stitches different from US? THANK YOU!

    1. There is a difference indeed. Not a great one, but you might get confused... A UK dc is a US sc ; a UK tr is a US dc... You'll find convertion-help online though...


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